Friday, February 19, 2016

My boy turns 14!

Today our son turns 14. This is a major event in our lives. He survived 14 years! Better yet, we survived 14 years!!! There were days I wondered if anyone would survive. Maybe I should start from the beginning so you will understand.

In the spring of 2001 I became pregnant. My husband and I had already had a miscarriage, so I was very excited to be expecting again. So I was pregnant, and sick, very, very, sick. I had morning sickness that lasted all day. I would throw up multiple times a day. This lasted months. Then the heartburn started. So now on top of being constantly nauseous, I got major heartburn for the last trimester. Finally my due date came!! My water broke at midnight on my due date and we went to the hospital. After a few hours of labor that darn heartburn came back and made me throw up.... and everything STOPPED! For a few hours we waited and then they finally decided to give me pitocin  and get things started again. After a total of 19 hours of labor and then 3 hours of pushing, they decided to try the vacuum suction and failed twice to get my son to decide to leave the birth canal. So off to emergency C-section we went. about 20 minutes later we had a baby! Yes, it was a traumatic, and his birth was traumatic. I love my son, but I often joke that he has been trouble since conception.

He spent his first year of life crying and not sleeping. We finally decided he had a sensitive tummy and were able to help with that. About the time he turned 18 months old we started noticing things were off. He had hit all of his developmental milestones up until then on time or early, but then he started getting picky about his food, didn't start developing language like other kids his age, and when he would get upset, he would bang his head on the floor. That was my first BIG sign. By the time he was 2 1/2 I found a preschool that would take him early to see if socialization would help him with his anger. When he was 4 he went to a preschool and got kicked out because he would pull up the vinyl flooring when he got mad.

Then elementary school started. Kindergarten was ok, and so was 1st grade. He had his bumps, but his teachers were amazing and he did well. 2nd grade was a totally different story. He threw a major tantrum which prompted a meeting with the principal and then another major tantrum (where the principal went against every request I had made in the meeting just two days before). This lead me to pull my son from school and home school him. We did that for the rest of the school year and then he was about to get an amazing 3rd grade teacher who made it so he felt safe and comfortable at school.

Turning his 2nd and 3rd grade years we did have him diagnosed as having high functioning autism, ADHD, and childhood bi-polar. He also spent time at UNI (University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Unit) twice. The first time he was there for 10 days, and the second time it was only 6 days.

Then we moved, then next two years were a combination of frustration and disappointment. We would feel like we were getting a step ahead just to fall three steps back. The spring of 2015 was very difficult with his anger and we ended up putting him in a residential treatment center where he stayed for about 6 weeks. When Christian was about to enter 6th grade I worried about bullying (which he had been experiencing) and the thought of him going to middle school (where kids are just mean). So, I decided to home school again. This time all of my kids came home to be schooled. We did this for two years. When we started the third year, on a whim I decided to put Christian's name in the lottery for an autism spectrum school and he got in!! This was a big change for us. Home schooling had been good for him, but to be back on a schedule and have someone other than mom in charge was a good change. The first few weeks were really rough, tantrum after tantrum at school. But once he settled into a routine things got better.

It's been 6 months since he started at the school and things are getting better. We also have ABA treatment and he attends a peer group twice a week. This ABA therapists go to school with him and help him deal with situations that arise. We just started the Brain Balance program and he has shown a lot of progress so far. Sundays are still really difficult and he is not a fan of all the restrictions he is now subject to, but I try to point out all of the positive things that are happening and he is willing to put up with it.

He's a really great kid. He is so kind, thoughtful, and helpful when he is in control of himself. He is so inquisitive and loves to learn. He has a great sense of humor and can retell any story from memory.

Well, that's the short very of my son's story. Maybe now you get a little bit of a sense of why I worried that we may survive this long. With every hard day I try to remember my little boy, and I still see him when he's sleeping. When all is peaceful and right in the world.


  1. Ah Jen! You are a wonderful mother! God would not have sent such a special, bright, and awesome spirit to you, if you couldn't handle it!! You are amazing!!

  2. Ah Jen! You are a wonderful mother! God would not have sent such a special, bright, and awesome spirit to you, if you couldn't handle it!! You are amazing!!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your story! You're an amazingly strong wife and mother. I wish we lived closer and I could just run over and give you a hug, but since we're states away I'm sending you a HUGE virtual hug. Your kids are very lucky to have you as their Mom. You're setting an amazing example for them that no matter what life throws at you that you can and will succeed if you do all you can and put your heart into everything you do. If you ever need a ear to vent to I'm always here for you :-)

  4. You are an amazing mom! You are always doing what's best for your kids no matter what it takes! Thanks for sharingsharing your story!
